728 Cadets - Volunteer Code of Conduct
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By registering as as volunteer for the 728 Cadets, you are agreeing to the Cadets Volunteer Code of Conduct:   

Volunteers shall: 

  • Follow the provided guidelines for the task being performed at each event. If you are unsure of your responsibilities, please ask a band staff member or board member.  
  • Report on time and ready to perform the task you volunteered for.  
  • Follow direction of the band staff, or responsible board member, while performing duties.
  • Treat each person with respect, charity, patience, courtesy, dignity, and consideration.  Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition or comparison.  
  • Employ appropriate conduct, speech and dress. Including appropriate footwear if you are walking with the  band during a parade.  
  • Report inappropriate behavior or actions of any 728 Cadet member, staff, or volunteer to the appropriate  person.  
  • Provide a positive image of the 728 Cadets to those we encounter during band events.  Utilize a “buddy System" so that band members are not alone with adult volunteers at band activities.    

Volunteers shall not: 

  • Use or possess alcohol, and/or illegal drugs while responsible for children or youth at any marching band  activity or event.  
  • Use tobacco or tobacco products while responsible for children or youth at any marching band activity or  event.  
  • Use profanity while performing volunteering duties or accompanying the 728 Cadets to marching band  events.  
  • Discipline any member of the 728 Cadets. This is the band staff’s responsibility.  
  • During an event, discuss the 728 Cadets, their members, staff or volunteers in a derogatory way.  During an event, discuss other bands or their members in a derogatory way.  

Chain of Command

All volunteers will use the following chain of command to report issues, ask questions or seek guidance:  

1. Any available board member at the event in which you are volunteering  

2. Volunteer Coordinator, Justin Hora

3. Board Vice President, Brad  Peterson

4. Board President, Lori Motzko

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