728 Cadets - 2024-2025 Winter Arts (Sound, Percussion, and Guard)
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Sport 2024-2025 Winter Arts (Sound, Percussion, and Guard)
River Valley Winter Arts is a non-profit organization that provides an indoor marching arts program for students in the 728 School District.
All registration options are closed
Program Details
Program start date: Oct 29, 2024
Program end date: Apr 28, 2025
Male, Female
Eligible for grade starting from: 7th
Eligible for grade ending with: 12th
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: Oct 22, 2024
Registration end date: Jan 31, 2025
Payment Details
Program fee payment type
Payment plans
Total amount
Late fee
$ 0.00
1 Installment
Installment 1: $1250.00
Due date: Dec 02, 2024
4 Installments
Installment 1: $312.50
Due date: Nov 08, 2024
Installment 2: $312.50
Due date: Dec 08, 2024
Installment 3: $312.50
Due date: Jan 08, 2025
Installment 4: $312.50
Due date: Feb 08, 2025
Payment mode
Both online and offline payments are accepted
Additional credit card fee applied
Available Discounts
$ 50.00
Program fee - First installment only
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
Our Mission:
The 728 Cadets organization aims to teach students through life experiences while they pursue excellence in the ultimate sport of music in motion. By doing so, students can experience enjoyment and esteem while combining the best of athletics, education, and the arts.
Our Purpose:
Provide musical and marching training while promoting an attitude of pride, spirit and teamwork.
Provide ISD 728 students a challenging, yet rewarding marching arts experience in a safe and positive environment.

Represent ISD 728 with excellence in the greater Minnesota area and beyond at the national level.
Gain a lifelong appreciation for music and performance.
I, the undersigned participant or parent/guardian, am aware that participation in the 728 Cadets / Winter Arts (“Activity”) may include activities that are risky and dangerous. Both participant and his/her/their parent(s) / guardian(s) (“I”) acknowledge and accept the risks and give permission for my participation in the Activity. I acknowledge that participation in this Activity has the following non-exhaustive list of particular activities that bear risk and danger and from which bodily injury or illness to myself, or my child, up to and including death, may occur: physical activities, with or without supervision, while on district property or off, including, but not limited to, marching practice that involves movement and strength using various muscle groups, which could place stress on the cardiovascular and or skeletal systems, and result in cuts, punctures, broken bones, strain, sprains, joint injuries, eye injuries, heart malfunctions, concussions, and head injuries; contact with objects and people in the environment; use or operation, by myself or others, of equipment, in the condition in which it is found; being outside in the presence of inclement weather conditions including but not limited to, rain, sun, wind, snow, ice, fog, and extremes of heat or cold that could cause injury or illness including but not limited to heat exhaustion or stroke, sunburn, frost bite, hypothermia, and dehydration; risks related to transit to or from the Activity locations including, but not limited to, travel by chartered or commercial air, bus, van, and private or rented auto, public transit, including travel in unpredictable or extreme weather conditions that affect road safety; activities supplemental to the Activity, such as walking or hiking to and from sites of interest; use of facilities, roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and trails that may or may not be properly maintained; contact with animals, plants, insects, biological and environmental hazards; exposure to contaminated food and untreated water; risk related to the rendering or receipt of emergency first aid, or other emergency treatment, and transport in medical emergencies; accident or illness in locations without access to appropriate medical facilities or supplies; exposure to infectious disease and/or illnesses; and other unknown and unanticipated activities and risks.
In consideration of the 728 Cadets / Winter Arts permitting me/my dependent to participate in the Activity, I and my dependent hereby voluntarily accept all risks associated with participation. To the extent permitted by law, I agree to indemnify, defend, save, hold harmless, discharge and release the State of Minnesota, the 728 Independent School District, 728 Cadets Organization, their agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, causes of action or demands of any kind and nature whatsoever that may arise out of or in connection with my participation in any activities related to the above-named Activity.
It is my express intent that this Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability shall serve as a release, discharge and acceptance of risk for my heirs, estate, executor, administrator, assigns and all members of my family. The venue of any dispute that may arise out of my or my dependent’s participation in the Activity, if the organization is a party to the dispute, shall be in Minnesota.
I understand I am responsible for all medical expense and/or property losses.
I am aware that if I provide a vehicle not owned and operated by the 728 Cadets Organization or 728 School District for transportation to, at, or from any Activity site, or if I am a passenger in such a vehicle, the Organization is not responsible for any damage or injury caused by or arising from my use of such transportation. I acknowledge that the 728 Cadets Organization or 728 School District makes no representation with respect to the safety of any personally owned vehicle in which I may travel, or with respect to the qualifications of the driver of any personally owned vehicle. I understand that if I choose to travel in a personally owned vehicle, it is my responsibility to determine the safety of the vehicle and qualifications of the driver. Furthermore, I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for any action that I take that is outside the scope of the scheduled Activity, regardless if occurring before, during or after the period of the Activity.
I hereby certify that, with or without accommodation, I and/or my dependent is in good health and I know of no medical reason why I/he/she is not able to participate in this Activity. I hereby consent to first aid, emergency medical care and if necessary, admission to an accredited hospital when necessary for executing such care, for treatment for injuries or illness that I/he/she may sustain while participating in any activity associated with the above named Activity.
Whether or not I am a student, I will abide by: the 728 Cadets / Winter Arts Handbook and Cadetiquette; the behavioral expectations of the Activity; and all applicable city, state and federal laws. My failure to do so may be considered grounds for denying my/my dependent’s participation in the Activity.
By typing / electronically signing my name below, it is my intent to sign, accept and be legally bound by the terms of the Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability as fully as if I was affixing my handwritten signature, and I agree that this electronically signed document shall be as effective, enforceable and valid as a paper version of the Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability bearing my original handwritten signature. By typing / electronically signing my name below, I further affirm that I am the above named Participant, or if the Participant is under 18 years of age, that I am a legal guardian or parent of the Participant and that I accept responsibility for the Participant’s actions. I acknowledge that failure to submit accurate information, or falsification of the electronic signature on this document, may result in the denial of participation in the Activity.
I have reviewed this content and certify that I have read the above carefully before signing.
I, the undersigned, as a parent and/or legal guardian of the above-named minor, I recognize that medical treatment may become necessary and to avoid delay of any necessary medical treatment and/or that which would alleviate physical injury, hereby empower the staff and/or volunteers at events of the 728 Cadets / Winter Arts or other designated persons to authorize on my behalf recommended medical treatment of my child by any staff member of any hospital, medical doctor, emergency medical technician, and/or paramedic. This authorization is complete and of itself fully operative upon my signature for the duration of the Sumer and/or Winter Programs.
I have reviewed this content and certify that I have read the above carefully before signing.


Welcome to the 728 Cadets organization. We look forward to another great season filled with lasting friendships, fun and great memories. The staff and board of directors strive to provide a positive environment, which promotes the development of all its members. We believe this environment can be achieved when there is an atmosphere of cooperation among all students and parents. Please read the entire Code of Conduct Agreement .

Registration Requirements and Payments (All forms are within your online registration at 728 Cadets.org. )

  • Enrollment/registration form 
  • Medical/health/emergency contact form 
  • Signed Acknowledgement of Risks, and Power to Authorize Medical Treatment 
  • Full payment or agreed upon payment plan at time of registration-if payment is not provided at agreed upon time, students may be withheld from activities.
  • If select 'Pay Later', payment must be made in full by check by December 2, 2024.

Past Due Accounts

Members with any previous season (summer or winter) unpaid fees will not be allowed to participate in any new season practices or performances until such debts are paid in full.  Failure to make payments on current season dues may result in your student being suspended from activities.  Participation fees are not considered ISD 728 co-curricular fees and do not count toward the family maximum


 All payments are final and no refunds will be granted. Immediately after registration closes we will be purchasing uniforms and making final payments for bussing and other trip expenses based off of registration numbers

Rehearsal and Performance Expectations: 

  • Cadets are required to attend rehearsals and performances unless excused in advance for the following reasons: 
    • Death, wedding or religious event in the immediate family
    • Cadet’s own serious illness or injury
    • Unavoidable school activity 
  • Report absences to your director two weeks prior to a planned absence
  • Report last minute absences to Directors who will supply your more information about how to communicate with them at your first rehearsal
  • Rehearsal arrival time goal is 15 minutes prior to scheduled time, noting students may not be released until up to 30 minutes past scheduled rehearsal end time 
  • Students arrival for scheduled performances is preferred minimally 30 minutes prior to scheduled bus departure or posted arrival time
  • Attire for rehearsals includes tennis shoes and clothing appropriate for physical activity 
  • Students should arrive at rehearsal ready to participate with their working instrument/equipment, music and a positive attitude 
  • Students are expected to treat directors, staff, volunteers and other students with respect at all times 
  • All students are expected to participate in clean up at end of rehearsals prior to dismissal 

If a student is having a medical emergency, or is concerned for their personal safety, the student should reach out to an Assistant Director,  Head Director or Chaperone immediately. 

Parents understand they are welcome and encouraged to contact their student’s director, or the board of directors with issues via email, phone or private message outside of rehearsal/show time.

Student Conduct at Rehearsals, Performances and on Buses: 

728 Cadets follow ISD 728 Conduct Code expectations. Any subjects or policies not included in this Agreement are covered by the school student handbook, including all conduct and disciplinary policies. Infractions may result in consequences including expulsion from the group for behavior considered serious or dangerous. Infractions include, but are not limited to: 

  • Inappropriate language, dress or behavior 
  • Endangering self or others safety and welfare 
  • Possession and use of edibles, alcohol, tobacco or a controlled substance without a prescription 
  • Insubordination
  • Harassment

If a student violates the code of conduct, the student may be asked to leave immediately. If the behavior occurs  during a parade or on a trip, the student will be separated from the group under the supervision of a coach, assistant coach or chaperone and the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately.  It will be the parents/guardians responsibility to arrange immediate transportation home for the student at their expense.  The student will not be allowed to rejoin the 728 Cadets until an investigation is completed by the Director, President of the 728 Cadets and the school district. 

I have reviewed this content and certify that I have read the above carefully before signing.
All registration options are closed